I saw a post on Facebook today and it made me very sad. There was a picture of a girl in a beautiful prom dress, and as you might have guessed, the haters were out in full force. She was ridiculed on social media for the way she looked. It was heartbreaking.
So my question is, “Who’s raising our kids today?” “Who is instilling any values in these kids?” I realize that the economy is not great and that parents have to work one, two, and even three jobs to make ends meet. Families, or what’s left of them, aren’t eating dinner around a family table anymore. This used to be the place where manners, kindness and plain old how to act were taught. Sports and after-school activities take precedence over being home. And who’s going to a House of Worship on Saturdays or Sundays? Weekend activities have taken the place of going to Church or Synagogue. While we’re at it, let’s look at the pure garbage on TV that passes as entertainment. There’s enough of it out there.
But I’m also thinking that we just don’t see and hear enough of the good things people do for one another on a daily basis. The bad stuff takes over because it grabs people’s attention. Maybe what we need to do is share more of that good stuff that does happen. It could and would make a difference!