About the Book

Kitt, an adventurous and imaginative young boy, is a lot like other children. He loves to do what most children do—have fun! Using his imagination, Kitt travels in his very own rocket ship to many places, including a mud puddle, a toy store, and a candy store. Along the way he is joined by friends who like to have fun too!


As the day winds down, Kitt realizes that it is getting late. He’s very tired, and he knows that the fun must come to an end for now. Kitt smiles as he gets settled into his nice, warm bed, excited as he imagines his next adventure.


Kitt’s imaginative play brings out the child in everyone. Enjoy the antics of Kitt and his friends as you travel with him on his creative adventure in his imaginary rocket ship.

Kitt The Kid and The High Seas Adventure Kitt the Kid is off on another adventure, this time on the ocean. His parents have a beach house. He gets to go every summer, and the fun starts as soon as they get there.


Kitt goes to play on the sandy beach with a bucket and shovel. One day he spots a surfboard resting on dry land. Kitt uses his imagination, and the surfboard becomes a motorboat, with him as its captain!


Wearing his life jacket, he dreams up a crew that includes a tiny crab, fish, clams, lobsters, shrimp, starfish, and even a snapping turtle named Mark. Together they set off for an adventure on the high seas. But when they encounter a whale with a fishing line wrapped around his fins and tail, Kitt and his crew must do what they can to help.


In this children’s tale, a young boy playing on a beach dreams up an ocean voyage on a motorboat with a crew of sea creatures and imagines rescuing a whale that’s in trouble.